Saturday, May 23, 2020

Early Feminism In The Scarlet Letter - 1421 Words

Nathaniel Hawthorne highlights the habitual societal conflict of surfacing gender equality ideology throughout The Scarlet Letter. The typical female role in society during the mid-seventeenth century was to be a caretaker. Hester Prynne’s sentence for breaking this stereotype through adultery is to wear a large, red letter A on her chest. Hawthorne uses Hester’s character to add characteristics of early feminism. For example, Hester not only takes on the so called male and female role put in place by society at some point throughout the story, but she also challenges societal views of women. To fully understand the situation women were going through, you must be familiar with the historical context. The story takes place in a Puritan†¦show more content†¦Throughout past times, women have been assumed to be inferior to men. They were refused human rights such as education. Some civilizations view women as a surmised evil. Others believe women were to birth, at tend worship, and agree with their husband. Nonetheless, the promoting of women’s rights in regards to political, economic, and social tolerance prevailed within society. Such feminists anticipated to fight for their power. One intent for the protest of inequality could have possibly resulted from the strict regulations of society put in place by the government. These regulations had a direct impact on the conformity of women. Women were directed to avoid self-loving reasoning, which led to the questioning of political and societal leaders. â€Å"It was an age in which the human intellect had taken a more active and a wider range than for many centuries before† (Hawthorne 154). This quote emphasizes the uprising of change in peoples’ minds regarding abuse towards women. Hester serves as the face of the crowd that thinks freely. She is unsatisfied with the destiny a puritan society has in place for. She demonstrates this by challenging the female role and attempt ing to reconstruct the patriarchal society she lives in. The other women that live in the town are shocked by Hester’s actions. This shows how they are afraid that if other women start acting out, the society structureShow MoreRelatedHester As A Strong Female Character And The Scarlet Letter1572 Words   |  7 Pagesand The Scarlet Letter as a Feminist Novel In The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, a question arises: Is The Scarlet Letter a feminist novel? First, what is feminism? Feminism is â€Å"the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men†. Feminism is really about a woman’s strength since the act of feminism causes a woman to go against traditional views and be ridiculed for that. What does feminism have to do with The Scarlet Letter? HawthorneRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter1193 Words   |  5 PagesThe Scarlet Letter, is most often referred to as Nathaniel Hawthorne’s best work. It gives a detailed image of life in a Puritan society. The heroine of the book-Hester Prynne, defies power, and rebels against colonial rule. Laws composed of religious convictions and individual beliefs. Through Hester’s action, you can depict a feminist consciousness. She differs from traditional colonial woman who s sole purpose it to be obedient, despite the unfair rules carried out by puritan men. Hester representsRead MoreFeminism in the Scarlet Letter1297 Words   |  6 PagesResearch Paper 11 March 2008 Hawthorne’s Hester Prynne and Feminism â€Å"In Heaven’s own time, a new truth would be revealed, in order to establish the whole relation between man and woman on a surer ground of mutual happiness† (ch.24).The definition of feminism would be women are inherently equal to men and deserve equal rights and opportunities. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne is the key example for feminism in the novel. In Puritan times, women were thought of as lesserRead MoreIs The Scarlet Letter A Feminist Novel?1456 Words   |  6 PagesAshley Noack M. Chau-Lee English 3H 11/ 13/14 Is The Scarlet Letter A Feminist Novel? A feminist is defined in the British Dictionary as a person who advocates equal rights for women. However incredulous it may sound, women had to fight for rights for equality in things such as politics, economics, and their personal affairs. If the revolutionary feminist concepts were surfacing in the time of Nathaniel Hawthorne, circa 1850, then how was it that he was inspired to write Hester’s character? HoweverRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1641 Words   |  7 PagesThe Scarlet Letter is a story about a woman, Hester Prynne, who painfully lived her life in shame because of the adultery she committed in a1840s American colony. The way she and the other characters conducted themselves after the reveal of Hester’s baby all show a deeper meaning into what kind of person each character was, which can be interpreted in many ways. The story was written by a man named Nathaniel Hawthorne, only about a decade after his story took place, which meant that so ciety in hisRead MoreThe Genesis of Feminism in Literature1115 Words   |  5 Pages Feminism is a theory that all sexes should have political, economic, and social equality. Hawthorne was a writer during the Romantic Era in literature; one of the many individuals fired by their ideals sought to tell the world about them through their works (e.g. art, literature, music). Hawthorne was raised by his spouseless mother, which probably led him to believe women could be equal to men. Hawthorne grew up with â€Å"his mother became overly protective and pushed him toward relatively isolatedRead MoreScarlet Letter Feminist Novel Essay769 Words   |  4 PagesIs The Scarlet Letter a feminist novel? Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter is about a woman living in Boston during the 1630s. Her name is Hester Prynne and she has committed the crime of adultery and is caught when she is found to be pregnant. The book picks up when she is having a scarlet A placed on her breast for â€Å"adultery† and after the child is already born. After 7 more years, it picks up and the readers can see what she goes through and how she and the townspeople around herRead MoreHester Pyrnne As An Early Feminist Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter1890 Words   |  8 PagesTOPIC: Hester Pyrnne as an Early Feminist of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†. Most people identify Feminism as an anti-male movement hell-bent on making women the dominant gender, but this is not the case. In this novel, The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne executes these ideas by overcoming her public humiliation and rising up against the predetermined ideas that her Puritan town holds for her. She is a perfect example of what a feminist should be, which is a real treat considering the timeRead MoreFeminist Criticism : The Scarlet Letter 1324 Words   |  6 PagesAndrea Rhoden English IV Almack 1st six weeks The Scarlet Letter:Feminism Feminist criticism is a form of literary criticism that uncovers the common mistreatment of women in literature. For centuries, women have been viewed as the minorities, unable to control and protect themselves. In history, women have had little to no voice in the world, what little bit of a voice they have is only obtained through marriage. Men are so dominant that they are able to get away with crimes far easier than womenRead MoreFeminism in The Scarlett Letter Essay601 Words   |  3 Pagesexamples of these strong individuals that help innovate society forward. Because Puritan society greatly suppressed many women, feminism is quite impossible at that time. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hawthorne explores the life of Hester Prynne, a young puritan woman involved in an affair. Throughout the book, Hester Prynne expresses her potential to become an early feminist and at times is, however her love for Arthur Dimmesdale holds her back from attaining her full feminist potential

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Whom Should You Better Pay to Write an Essay

Writing an essay is never easy. Even for those who have a natural flair to it there comes a time when they are completely at a loss: what to write? Where to get the necessary information? How to cram all your thoughts into a hundred words limit? A very good answer to all these questions is to contact a professional writing service and place an order. This solution, however, may just as easily lead to even more unpleasant problems if you are not careful enough when choosing a writing agency to place an order with. Who Is the Best to Pay to Write My Essay Lets be frank most writing services dont differ very much from one another. In fact, the differences are so minute that you may feel that you are dealing with a legion of clones and rip-offs instead of independent organizations. ThePensters, however, is very much different from the majority of writing companies out there. And we base this statement not on some vague promises of superior quality and careful choice of authors the things you cannot check until you actually place an order but on the very structure of our company. Choose Whom You Pay to Do Your Essay We do business differently from most other writing agencies, firstly because ThePensters does not represent a unified agency with constant employees whom we assign to this or that case. Instead we offer a service that gives the client a possibility to choose the person who will work on the task, after carefully examining detailed information about available writers: feedback from their customers, number of papers written, their topics, sizes, marks given by the customers, work samples and so on and so forth. You may place an order and ask for a specific writer, or describe the paper you need and leave it for perusal of all authors available at the moment. They are free to choose as well: you may always be sure that only the people who are well-versed in the subject in question will leave their bids. All you have to do is to study these bids and choose the writer that represents the price/quality ratio necessary for this order. Who Is Paid to Write Essays at ThePensters? Dealing with other agencies you are never sure whether the person assigned to your order is really up to the task. We at ThePensters, however, take pains to choose only the best, the most professional and the most reliable people to become our writers. They pass a special exam and are only then allowed to work on actual orders for actual clients. We are very particular about people using plagiarism if a person is caught at this, he can never again work for ThePensters, and our writers are paid well enough to try and keep their places. In other words, when placing an order with us you not only know who is writing your paper, but also can be sure that your essay will be completely original and plagiarism-free.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance of Literature to Humanity Free Essays

â€Å"Literature speaks the language of the imagination, and the study of literature is supposed to train and improve the imagination† (Frye 134). According to Northrop Frye the imagination is the combination between emotions and intellect in every individual. The more an individual is exposed to literature the better that person is at expanding their imagination, which he calls the educated imagination. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Literature to Humanity or any similar topic only for you Order Now Having an educated imagination helps one to think for themselves and create their own ideas and opinions. The educated imagination is a necessity of life in a political world, the study of literature is not an â€Å"elegant accomplishment† but a means of entry into a â€Å"free society† (Frye 147). With an educated imagination one is able to distinguish between moral and aesthetic truth, this is extremely important when it comes to politics. Politicians or simply people in a higher authority often use rhetoric language to manipulate and brainwash people with lies. In the novel Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury shows the negative effects rhetoric language can have on those with an uneducated imagination and that without literature society produces a world filled with ignorance. The absence of books in Fahrenheit 451 creates darkness within the society. In literature darkness is a symbol of ignorance, evil, falsehood, oblivion, despair and the unknown. Light on the other hand represents goodness, life, knowledge, fame and hope. During the entire novel the author constantly relates to darkness and night, â€Å"In the late afternoon it rained and the entire world was dark and grey† (Bradbury19). Books represent light; it provides people with knowledge, exposes truths and educates the mind. In this society books are illegal and the job of a fireman is to burn any house that contains books in it. Due to the burning of these books there is a lack of light in this society, just utter darkness. Because of the ignorance within the civilization the politicians are able to manipulate and convince the population that books and everything else that causes one to think is evil. This way they are able to easily influence and lead the population. Those that have been exposed to books realize that they are living in darkness and that their only way to get out of the darkness is through books, †Maybe these books can get us half out the cave† (Bradbury 74). All the darkness within the society has blinded the people into being unaware as to what is going on around them. The population is unconsciously being brainwashed and forced to conform without even knowing it. â€Å"We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the constitution says, but everyone made equal† (Bradbury 58). Watching television became the major replacement for literature. This is because watching television does not require one to think but influences their thoughts which later influences their actions. The subconscious believes television is real. Watching television physically damages the brain and reduces intelligence. It also switches brain activity from the left side of the brain which is responsible for logic and critical analysis to the right side of the brain that is responsible for emotional responses. This allows each viewer to be heavily influenced and brainwashed by what they see and hear on TV. By restricting the population from literature and replacing it with televisions, they are decreasing the intelligence within the population making it easier to have full control over the society. Without the education one receives from books these people are simply sheep in a herd following their Sheppard. â€Å"The man who does not read books has no advantage over the man that cannot read them† Mark Twain. The society is afraid of being inferior to those who read and understand. All books have meaning. Reading gives people time to think and reflect on not only the text, but their lives as well, â€Å"So now do you see why books are hated and feared? They show the pores in the face of life† (83), books reveal the truth about the world. By burning books the firemen are destroying knowledge and promoting ignorance. This is the reason for all the ignorance and darkness within the society. Due to the lack of literature the people have an uneducated imagination and are therefore unable to see past the governments’ use of rhetoric. the first thing our imaginations have to do for us, as soon as we can handle words well enough to read and write and talk, is to fight to protect us from falling into the illusions that society threatens us with† (Frye 60). Those who are caught reading books are exterminated or taken away to reduce the chances of them spreading their wisdom to others. Those that read are smarter and are seen as a threat to society. These individuals are able to see past society’s use of rhetoric, â€Å"We can see here how the ordinary use of hetoric, which attempts to make society presentable, is becoming hypocritical and disguising the reality it presents beyond the level of social safety† (Frye 61). The rhetoric use of language in this society is to persuade the population into believing that being intellectual is a sin, and books are the cause of this sin, â€Å"So! A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. Take the shot from the weapon. Breach mans mind. Who knows who might be the target of the well read man? Me? † (Bradbury 58). Those that did read were able to oppose the use of eloquence. Clarisse was considered abnormal and a threat because she thought about things and often asked why, â€Å"She didn’t want to know how a thing was done, but why. That can be embarrassing. You ask why to a lot of things and you wind up very unhappy indeed, if you keep at it. The poor girl’s better off dead† (Bradbury 60). Once again rhetoric language is used to justify the death of Clarisse and criticize the use of imagination. The main character Montag is a fireman who also reads books and is smart enough to see the flaws in his society. For this he is considered a burden and wanted by police. Those that read are able to see that there is more to life than pleasure and titillation. â€Å"Forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light† -Plato. The people in this novel are afraid of the light. They are afraid of literature and the truth, knowledge, and all goodness that comes with it. Due to the lack of literature in this society, the population is ignorant and unable to think individually. Because of the ignorance within the population the government has full control over their lives. Each individual deserves the right to live imaginative and free lives. â€Å"The fundamental job of the imagination in ordinary life, then, is to produce, out of the society we have to live in, a vision of the society we want to live in† (Frye 60). Without literature the imagination becomes limited and people are unable to vision the society they want to live in. As the world becomes more modern and grows further, away from literature, society beings to look more like Fahrenheit 451 where citizens are nothing but a sheep in a herd. How to cite The Importance of Literature to Humanity, Essays

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Legislation and Prostitution Argumentative Persuas Essay Example For Students

Legislation and Prostitution Argumentative Persuas Essay ive Essays Legislation and Prostitution Pornography is yet one of the most popular topics of todays society. Questions are being brought up about how pornography has had an effect on our everyday life styles. Pornography provokes violence through its explicates of obscenity through the literature and the media. Technology has been manipulated by these pornographic materials , and this isnt fair to the public. How do we put a stop to this? The law officials are trying to restate some of the laws that refer to the pornographic field, but it has become a great deal of struggling. The struggle is due to the avoidance of the invading each of the individuals constitutional rights granted to them, that is the freedom of speech and press. This topic has been hard to do research on because it is a really complicated subject to understand. This topic has really been neglected in the past so it is now come to overpower the people and haunt them in every way. One way in which the legal system has tried to regulate against pornography was by decreasing the amount of publications of obscenity illustrated of pornography through censorship. In the case of Mutual Film Corporation. Verses Industrial Communication, in 1915, the case had to do with Ohio state censorship, and the attorneys for this film declared that through pre-censorship there will be a violation of rights. this provoked the state supreme court to decide that movies were not entitled to share the same protection of constitutional rights as other media areas. Now the court decided to make clear that when films are being previewed before distribution bans cannot be made unless on grounds of constitution. The American Law Institute is made up of professional lawyers, professors, and judges. These professionals are mutually investigating the field of pornography. the plan on putting restrictions for pornography. To avoid any criminal charges against pornographic publishers, lawyers advise their clients to avoid any published material containing or regarding obscene material. Some liberals feel that the reason that the law opposes pornography is because the case becomes more emotional rather than logical. There was a time where the law did put its foot down. This is when James Joyce, for example, had his novel (Ulysses) which was full of obscenity was banned from the United States and then it was approved and published in Paris, France. This goes to show that there is to an extent some sort of power of government over the pornographic publishers demands. I feel that this proves that the system can work its way around this trash. Pornography has expanded through books, magazines, films. movies, billboards, and new through the computer internet. This makes profanity an easy access for those children under age. Computers have become childrens specialty. This has turned into a major concern for thoughsands of parents, guardians, and so on. When the law is concerned, there have been some standards set for nudity, books, magazines, and also miscellaneous. No nudity that is involintary is permissable, and it should only be used when appropriate in a setting. As for books and magazines , they contain very explicite material that will lead to trouble , but they may not be protected by the law. There was a case against record with the Supreme Court of Nebraska , but the case wasnt successful. It is hard to take away these rights because our constitution is very strong , making this situation and many others an obstacle to struggle through. In fact, we do want to put a stop on pornography even if it costs us our rights. Doing so, this will reduce a significant amount of harrassment and violence. 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